Parking, Garage Painting

Water Proofing

Water proofing buildings and parking garages. Sealants, caulking, glazing and water plugging.

At Kirkconnell Maintenance, we deliver what we promise. In the 28 years we have been in business, we have never been involved in a law suit nor have we had any insurance losses.

Our work is done right the first time and it endures. Let us show you a job similar to yours that has stood the test of time. We don’t plan on changing our name, or our quality of service.

We are fully insured and have had ZERO insurance losses in all our years of business

Contact Us

Please, don't hesitate to contact us at anytime.

Houston, TX

Office: (713) 988-2201

Cynthia K. Miranda
Cel: (832) 651-5966

Charles D. Kirkconnell
Cel: (281) 683-7713

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